• July 2021, Barcelona Modern Ensemble. Barcelona, Spain. “Radio Barcelona” for Bass Clarinet, Viola, Cello and Piano. Premier.
  • 25 July -1 August. International Computer Music Conference 2021. Santiago, Chile. “Inertia” for Alto sax and Electronics. Premier.
  • October 2021/july 2022  International Academy of Musical Creation MIXTE with PROXIMA CENTAURI ENSEMBLE and Martin Matalon. Premier of a new piece in July 2022 in Bordeaux, France.
  • 16th of October, Premier of a new piece for 4 musicians, voice and body attached speakers, at MAD Festival In Burdeos, France, with PROXIMA CENTAURI Ensamble and Valérie Philippin in voice.
  • 21st of june 2023. Premier of “Close your eyes and see” for piano, percussion, electronics and light device ,at the Barcelona Modern Course 2023, performed by Ensemble Multilatérale (France)
  • 14th of september of 2023. Premier of “Borde” for acordion, bass clarinet and electronics at “Atemporanea Festival” in Buenos Aires.
  • 14th of September of 2023. Premier of “Finally”, for drumset and 8th channel electronics at “Escuta Aqui!” festival in Vitória/ES, Brasil.
  • 2nd to 4th of August. Premier of “Cuento de Pulgas” for electroacustic sounds and video at the Cervantes Electroacústico Festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • October 2024, premier of new piece for Intertext Ensemble(https://www.instagram.com/intertextensemble/#) at the Synesthesia Lab Festival. Kazan, Rusia.